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Buscando una máquina de encuadernación? ¡Pero hay tantos!

Buscando una máquina de encuadernación? ¡Pero hay tantos!Entonces, ¿cómo se selecciona?Bueno, realmente se reduce a varias cosas:VolumenPropósitoCalidadEntonces, veamos si podemos ayudarlo a responder algunas de estas preguntas1. VolumenPregúntate, ¿cuántos libros vincularás en una semana, mes, trimestre o año? Si está haciendo una pequeña cantidad como 10, puede ser mejor comprar una máquina perforadora manual. Estos son los que tienen la palanca que usted tira para crear un golpe en su documento. Funcionan bien para proyectos de pequeña escala y tienden a ser la máquina de encuadernación de bajo costo en el mercado.Si está haciendo más de 10 al mes, puede considerar una máquina que tenga un punzón eléctrico, pero puede tener un insertador manual. Con un punzón eléctrico, le permitiría ejecutar más páginas. También le permitiría administrar más volumen de lo que lo haría con un golpe manual.Finalmente, si usted es un bufete de abogados o una contabilidad y está haciendo grandes volúmenes de encuadernación cada día, debe mirar una máquina de encuadernación comercial. Esto te ayudará a perforar pilas de papel más grandes, vienen con múltiples sistemas de matriz y pueden recibir golpes. Las otras máquinas simplemente no serán la herramienta adecuada para una oficina de gran volumen.2.  PropositoLa siguiente pregunta que debe hacerse es ¿cuál es el propósito de los documentos que está vinculando? ¿Debería utilizar espinas de peine vinculantes, espinas de unión de espirales de plástico o espinas de unión de alambre? O, ¿deberías usar un enlace perfecto o un MasterBind?Comb vinculante todavía tiene un lugar en los mercados legales. Algunos tribunales requieren que se utilice el peine vinculante para los escritos presentados ante el tribunal. Algunas personas encuentran que la bobina es más amigable de usar porque permite que los documentos se abran completamente. Además, puede coordinar el color de su bobina de encuadernación para garantizar que se ajuste a su comercialización.Luego, hay otros sistemas como Perfect Binding que pueden personalizar cubiertas duras para que pegue los documentos en su lugar. O bien, puede utilizar el sistema MasterBind que permite cubiertas personalizadas sobre la marcha, al tiempo que permite la producción rápida de documentos encuadernados.3.  CalidadPuede parecer un millón de dólares con el sistema de enlace correcto. Tienes que decidir qué tan importante es la imagen para lo que estás produciendo. Algunos métodos de vinculación son útiles para compartir procesos y procedimientos internos. Otros métodos son mejores para propósitos de mercadotecnia con cubiertas caras, cubiertas personalizadas o necesidades especiales de encuadernación. La calidad está determinada por el propósito. Se puede encuadernar libros de alta calidad con bobina, alambre, MasterBind o Perfect Binding. Debe decidir cómo desea proyectarse para determinar qué inversión se deberá realizar.Después de haber respondido estas preguntas, diríjase a la tienda de Binding Machine y observe las diferentes máquinas disponibles. Tenemos una gran selección                              

Térmico, Alambre o Espiral cuál es el mejor para sus necesidades de encuadernación de doc

 Térmico, Alambre o Espiral cuál es el mejor para sus necesidades de encuadernación de docEnlace térmicoLas soluciones de unión térmica de Coverbind ofrecen el tiempo de respuesta más rápido disponible y la impresión más profesional posible.Al combinar nuestra eficiente tecnología patentada de unión térmica y las cubiertas de documentos de calidad superior, Coverbind le ayuda a crear documentos encuadernados, informes, presentaciones impecables y más en tan solo unos simples pasos.VENTAJAS TÉRMICAS DE VINCULACIÓN     ¡Es rápido! Enlace hasta 30 documentos en un minuto       ¡Es fuerte! La unión térmica calienta una tira de pegamento en la cubierta del documento que luego forma una unión segura con sus páginas interiores.       Agregar y eliminar páginas recalentando la columna vertebral       Cree las presentaciones y documentos más elegantes y profesionales con nuestra amplia línea de portadas de documentos       Visite nuestra página Cómo hacer para aprender a usar las Máquinas de encuadernación térmica de Coverbind y encuentre cuál es la mejor para usted.Enlace de alambreEl proceso de encuadernación con alambre requiere perforaciones en las páginas de su documento. Luego, las páginas se unen con un cable en forma de C que se cierra utilizando una máquina de encuadernación con alambre. La encuadernación por hilo funciona bien, incluyendo: citas, folletos con varias páginas, calendarios, manuales, folletos, informes y presentaciones de gran formato.VENTAJAS DE UNIÓN ALAMBRICA        Las páginas del documento pueden abrirse en 360 grados o quedar completamente planasEncuadernación en espiralEl proceso de encuadernación en espiral también requiere perforaciones en las páginas de su documento. Luego, las páginas se unen con una espiral de plástico que se enrolla a través de los agujeros con una máquina de encuadernación en espiral. Esta unión económica está diseñada para soportar un uso significativo. A menudo se usa para enlazar manuales o menús.VENTAJAS DE VINCULACIÓN ESPIRAL        Las páginas del documento pueden abrirse en 360 grados o quedar completamente planas Barato

Qué buscar al comprar una máquina obligatoria

Qué buscar al comprar una máquina obligatoria¿Está considerando derramarse en una nueva máquina de encuadernar en el trabajo? ¿O quizás no tienes uno actualmente pero has decidido que es hora de que finalmente lo compres? Hay pocas opciones disponibles para usted y es importante obtener la correcta para garantizar que sus documentos se vean lo más profesional posible.Hay algunas cosas que debe considerar antes de comprar, así que esto es lo que debe buscar al comprar una nueva máquina de encuadernación ...¿Qué tipo de enlace quieres?Probablemente esto sea lo primero que necesita pensar. No todo tipo de enlace requiere una máquina. Por ejemplo, las carpetas de diapositivas y los tornillos de encuadernación se pueden hacer a mano, pero para casi cualquier otro tipo, necesitará una máquina encuadernadora.Si usa aglutinantes de alambre o peine, existen varias máquinas entre las que puede elegir según la cantidad de material que desee encuadernado y la cantidad que desea gastar.Si quieres uniones térmicas, entonces no tienes más remedio que usar una máquina ya que el material está ligado al calor. Existen diferentes máquinas de enlace térmico disponibles, algunas de las cuales le permiten enlazar varios documentos a la vez.2: 1 o 3: 1 tono?Al comprar una encuadernadora de alambre, debe decidir si desea un tono de 2: 1 o 3: 1. ¿Cuál es la diferencia, dices?Bueno, todo se trata de cuán lejos están separados los cables en bucle, y esto afecta la cantidad de papel que puede contener el enlace. El paso 2: 1 significa que hay dos orificios por pulgada, lo que generalmente funciona como 16 orificios para A5 y 23 orificios para A4. La inclinación de 3: 1, como probablemente puedas adivinar, es de tres agujeros por pulgada, lo que hace que el alambre esté más apretado.Si bien, por lo general, las máquinas de encuadernación con alambre vienen en variantes de paso 2: 1 o 3: 1, también puede comprar máquinas que hacen ambas cosas, como esta aquí.¿Cuánto vinculante vas a hacer?La cantidad de encuadernación que pretenda hacer contribuirá en gran medida a determinar qué máquina encuadernadora comprará. Por ejemplo, si solo está vinculando el documento impar, entonces será mejor que elija una opción más económica, pero si va a hacer un montón de vinculaciones de forma periódica, pagará ir por una solución más completa. máquina.Si estamos mirando máquinas de encuadernación con peine de plástico, la siguiente es una buena opción inicial si no vas a hacer una gran cantidad de encuadernación.Sin embargo, si va a hacer un mayor volumen de encuadernación, tal vez quiera rellenar algo más pesado, como la siguiente máquina ...Encuadernadoras eléctricas o manualesEsto sigue muy bien desde el punto anterior. Con encuadernación con alambre o peine, puede elegir entre encuadernadoras manuales o eléctricas, y la elección entre las dos puede ser dictada por la cantidad de encuadernación que tenga que hacer.Si no tiene mucho que hacer, una máquina manual debería estar bien, pero si tiene una gran cantidad de encuadernación, una carpeta eléctrica puede ser mejor. Una máquina eléctrica también puede ser mejor si está encuadernando un documento grueso, ahorrándole el esfuerzo adicional de perforar los agujeros. Sin embargo, las máquinas manuales podrían ser la mejor opción si no tiene fácil acceso a una toma de corriente para enchufar una máquina eléctrica.         

What Are the Different Types of Bindery Jobs?

What Are the Different Types of Bindery Jobs?Bindery workers are responsible for fastening — or binding — together stacks of paper, and different types of documents result in different bindery jobs. Regular document binding is one of the easier bindery jobs, because it just involves stacking and punching the paper. Bookbinding is slightly more skilled, because the workers need more technical knowledge to organize the pages. Repair binding involves fixing worn bindings, usually on rare books or similar documents. Hand binding is done with no machines used, and this tends to be the most skilled job.In many print houses, reports and other printed documents are bound. This is one of the bindery jobs that require little technical knowledge, and the machines used usually are relatively simple. In this job, a bindery worker has to ensure the pages are organized, though the printer commonly will do this as it outputs the document. After the edge of the paper is punched through, plastic or metal bindings then will be pushed through the holes to ensure the document stays together during use.Above regular binding in terms of technical knowledge are book bindery jobs. The binding itself often is about as simple as with regular bookbinding, though the machines may be slightly harder to use. The real difficulty comes with organizing the sheets, because the worker often has to take one large sheet with all the pages and fold or cut it in a certain way to ensure the book pages go in proper numerical order.The only bindery job that deals exclusively with previously bound documents is repair bindery. In this line of work, a bindery worker fixes worn binding, possibly completely replacing it. The specialization and cost of performing this type of binding means this often is only done for rare documents that have inherent value. Binding machines usually are used to make binding easier for the worker.At the highest range of technical knowledge and specialization is hand binding. No machines are used in this bindery job, and workers must be knowledgeable about book stitching and other complex binding techniques. This type of binding is very expensive, and rare books and very important documents may be bound using this technique. The worker performing this sometimes also will repair worn bindings, but the main difference between this and ordinary repair binding is that only manual techniques are used in hand binding.

How Do I Bind with the supu pc430 Coil Binding Machine?

How Do I Bind with the supu pc430 Coil Binding Machine?The supu pc430 coil binding machine is a light-duty coil binder that pairs a powerful, manual punch with an electric coil inserter to provide increased productivity at a budget-friendly price. Below are step-by-step guide to binding documents with the Office supu pc430 coil binder:1.If you have not yet used your Office supu pc430, you will need to set it up prior to binding. Begin by removing the blue knob located on the right side of the machine, then insert the binding handle into the side of the machine. Replace the blue knob and tighten it to secure the handle. Connect the foot pedal to the machine, then plug the power cord into the machine and a power outlet.2.Adjust the side guide to center the holes on the page. The side guide can be easily adjusted by loosening the screw, positioning it on the machine base, and tightening it to prevent it from moving.3.Set the punching depth margin using the blue bar located on the right side of the machine base. The punching depth margin is the amount of space between the edge of the paper and the punched holes - generally set larger for thick documents and smaller for thin documents.4.Eliminate any holes that would be partially-punched along the ends of your document using the disengaging dies. Pull the corresponding arm outward from the machine to prevent a die from punching; push the arm back into place in order to re-engage the die.5.Place up to 20 sheets (based on 20 lb. paper) into the punching throat, aligning the pages against the side guide and the back of the punch. Properly aligning your pages before punching helps to provide consistent hole placement throughout your entire document. Note: Since the punch is manually-operated, some users may find it more comfortable to work in sets of no more than 12 pages. This will help to reduce fatigue and provide a smoother punching experience.6.Pull the punching handle forward to punch through the sheets, then push it back into its upright position to retract the punching dies. Pull the punched pages out of the machine.7.Repeat steps 5 - 6 until all of the pages of your book have been punched. Arrange the sheets in order from first to last, tapping them against a flat surface to align all of the holes.8.Manually insert a spiral binding coil into the first 4 - 5 holes of your document.9.Press the foot pedal to begin spinning the electric coil inserter. Position the spine of the book so that the coil extends to the right side of the book and the holes are to the left. Lightly touch the coil against the inserter to advance the coil through the book. To make the inserting process even faster, you can move the book to the right as the coil is feeding through the holes.10.As soon as the coil reaches the last hole, lift off of the foot pedal and/or pull the book away from the roller. If you accidentally advance the coil too far, you can flip the book over and use the electric inserter to feed it back as much as necessary.11.Using a coil crimping and cutting tool, trim away the excess coil from the ends of the book and crimp the tips to secure the pages in place.

How Do I Bind Books with the SU PC246 PLUS Coil Binding Machine?

How Do I Bind Books with the SUPU PC246 PLUS Coil Binding Machine?The SUPU PC246 PLUS Coil Binding Machine is a compact 4:1 pitch coil binder that makes quick work of creating professional-quality coil-bound books. With its built-in electric coil inserter, the PC246 PLUS  allows you to electrically insert coils up to 7/8" in diameter and binds books up to 2" thick (with manual coil insertion). This model is compatible with all standard 4:1 pitch binding coils, including GBC Color Coils, Fellowes binding coils, and many more.Below are step-by-step instructions for binding books with the  SUPU PC246 PLUS coil binder:1.Adjust the depth margin based on the total thickness of your document. As a general guideline, thicker books should have a greater punching depth than thinner ones to help make the finished books more durable. To adjust the depth margin, slide the bar located on the left side of the machine. 2.Position the side guide to match the paper size of your document. The side guide can be adjusted by loosening the thumb knob, sliding the guide as necessary, and tightening the knob to secure it in place. This will help to ensure that all of your pages are punched consistently and that the holes are centered on the page.3.Insert up to 12 sheets of paper (based on 20 lb. paper) into the punching throat, aligning them against the rear of the punch and the side guide. Note: If you are punching thicker paper or binding covers, you will need to reduce the number of pages to prevent the punch from jamming.4.Pull the handle forward to punch the pages, then return it to its starting position to lift the dies and complete the punching cycle.5.Continue punching your document in sets of up to 12 sheets until all of the pages have been punched.6.Insert a plastic binding coil into the first 4-5 holes of your document by hand, then lightly press the coil against the roller as it spins. The coil should be positioned toward the right of the roller and the punched holes should be to the left side. 7.Use a pair of manual coil cutting and crimping pliers to trim off the excess from the ends of the book and create crimped tips that will keep the pages in place.

How to make a Decorative Notebook

How to make a Decorative Notebook1.Stack a five or six sheets of paper on top of each otherThese should be sheets without any hole punches in them. An easy size to work with is paper that is 8x10 inches. Once the edges of all of the sheets are lined up, fold the sheets in half horizontally (this means folding the tops of the sheet over so that they are lined up perfectly with the bottom edge of the sheets). Turn your pages so that they lay like a book in front of you.         *You can use more than six sheets of paper if you want--just remember that this will make double the               number of pages because  the paper is folded in half. For example, if you use eight sheets of paper, you            will actually get 16 pages.2.Make three holes in the folded over stack of papersYou can either use a handheld one-hole punch or a bradawl. Open the paper stack up so that the edges are all lined up and the stack opens up like a book. You will be placing your holes along the crease in the center of the pages. Measure three centimeters in from the top and bottom of the center crease.         *You can also make this method easier by simply stapling the inside pages together. Line a stapler up so          that the staple runs parallel along the center fold. Space your three staples out so that they spaced                    equally along the center of the pages.3.Run string through the holes you have madeRun string through the holes you have made. You can run your string through the bottom hole from the front and down through the top hole so that both ends of the string are on the inside of the pages. Take the ends and run both of them through the center hole. Tie them above the center hole on the outside of the pages either using a knot or a bow.      * Alternatively, if you made two holes, run the string through the bottom hole, starting at the back of the         pages, pull the string through and then run it up through the top hole so that the ends of the strings are           hanging out onto the outside of the pages. Tie the string together so that it makes a bow or knot over the       middle of the center crease on the outside of the pages.4.Find the middle of paper you will use for the coverFind the middle of paper you will use for the cover. Your heavier piece of paper you are going to use for your cover should be slightly larger than your inside pages. For example, if you used 8x10 inch paper for your pages, use 8x12 paper for your cover. Lay the piece of paper out so that it is horizontal and use a ruler to find the center of the paper. Make a light line with a pencil so that you know exactly where to fold the paper.          *The paper you use for your cover should be pretty thick. You may want to consider paper that is thicker           than construction paper.5.Decorate your coverDecorate your cover. A beautiful and very simple way to decorate this kind of notebook is by using a small 8x8 inch piece of paper with a cute design on it. You can find this kind or paper at your local art supply store. Measure the paper and mark the center. Fold it in half and then fit it onto the spine of your cover. Glue it down so that the edges match up with your cover. The decorated paper should cover about three-fourths of each side of the cover, leaving room for any other decorations you might want.6.Open the folded cover upLay the pages down so that their spine is fitted into the inside center of the cover. Put glue onto the front and back sheet, line them up with the inner cover, and then press them down. Your cover and pages should now be attached.

Types of wire binding machines

Types of wire binding machines Wire binding machines come in a variety of shapes and sizes, often depending on the volume being bound. Wire binding machines are typically categorized as low-volume, medium-volume and high-volume machines. They are also categorized as manual or electric. Low-volume binding machines are typically used in the home or for occasional binding. Mid-volume binding is used for binding a few books a day. High-volume binding machines can be used to bind dozens to hundreds of books a day. One big determining factor in choosing a wire-binding machine is the amount of paper a machine can punch at once. Some machines can only punch a few sheets of paper at once, where others can punch dozens of sheets at a time. Many people, who are on a budget, choose to purchase a lesser-expensive machine and simply punch fewer sheets of paper at a time when binding a thick book. If time is an issue, and several books need to be created in a day, it is recommended to go with a machine capable of punching several sheets of paper at once. Wire binding machines are available with either a manual punch or an electric punch. Which format is better is really up to the person using the machine. Many people don?t mind pulling a handle to punch paper, but others like to have both hands freed for binding and prefer to use an electric punch. Most high-volume binding machines use a motor for punching paper. 

Binding a perfect notebook

Binding a perfect notebookWire binding a document is very easy and usually involves only a few simple steps. STEPS FOR WIRE BINDING1.    Set up the wire-binding machine. If equipped, adjust the margin depth, guides and punching dies as needed. With wire binding you will also need to adjust the wire closer to work with the diameter of wire you will be using.2. Assemble the book to be bound. This includes both the cover sheet and back cover. 3. Select the first pieces of the book to be punched. This is determined by the maximum amount of sheets your binding machine can punch at once. Please be aware that punching the maximum amount of documents rated for your machine will wear out your machine faster that if you punch 80% of the maximum amount.4. Now punch the paper. As each stack of paper is punched, set it to the side. Make sure that the punched documents are in proper order. Punching may be done by pulling a handle or pressing a button, depending on the wire-binding machine being used. 5. Take the punched paper and jog it together, making sure the holes are properly aligned. Put the last sheet of paper on the top of the document being bound. This will help hide the spine of the wire-binding element once the binding process is complete. 6. Place the binding wire element through the punched holes of the paper7. Place the edge of the book, with the wire, into the wire closer and close the wire. 8. Remove the book from the machine and make sure the wire is properly closed. 9. Take the back sheet of paper, previously placed on top of the document being bound, and turn it to the back of the document10. You are now done wire binding a book and are ready to move to the next book to be bound. 

How to Organize Office Files

How to Organize Office Files Organizing office files can be a difficult task, especially if you have large amounts of files and documents, but it does not need to be a painful process. Planning ahead and deciding on a file system can help you organize your files to suit your business and ensure that you will find important documents more efficiently. Once you have your files in good order, you then need to stick to a consistent system to maintain your files that way.1.Create file categories. The first thing to do if you want to organize your files is decide what major categories you will use for sorting. Different kinds of offices will have different kinds of categories, but the general system is the same. You need to figure out a system that sorts your files in a meaningful way.[1]For example, if you work in a law office and need to organize client files, you might sort by general case types: litigation, probate, corporate, administrative, and others.2.Set up subcategories. Within each single category, you can get more specific by developing a list of subcategories. Any individual piece of paper that needs to be filed can be defined by two terms -- the general category and then the subcategory.[2]For example, if you are setting up a filing system for financial matters, you might have a general category of “Outgoing Payments,” and then set up subcategories of vendors, suppliers, services, professionals and administrative costs.3.Use a color-coding system. This sounds simple, but it can be a very effective way to organize your files for quick access. Decide how many different categories you will have in your filing system, and then use that many different colored folders.[3]Instead of using folders that are completely colored, you can use regular manila folders and get colored stickers. You can then affix the stickers on the top tab, on the edge of the folder, or both for more visibility.4.Label the files. Each file in your office now has a clear place to be. You should write the label on the tab of each folder clearly and neatly so you will know where it belongs. The label on each individual folder should start with the general category and then be followed by the specific subcategory. For example, a folder containing records of payments to your vendors would have the label, “Outgoing Payments / Vendors.”The labels on each file should be printed as neatly and consistently as possible. You can very easily buy a software packages that will allow you to format labels, so you can type and print them using your computer.If you print your labels with your computer, you should use a consistent font size and style. If you are printing by hand, you should try to be consistent and as neat as possible.5.Sort the files alphabetically. When your filing system is established and you have created all your folders, then put them in order. You should sort the general folders alphabetically. Within each general folder, the subcategories should all be sorted alphabetically as well.[4]You may choose to sort some information by date rather than by a topic label. If so, then you will need to decide for yourself if it makes more sense to sort your files with the newest items in front and move to the oldest, or vice versa.6.Leave several inches of space in each filing drawer. When you are establishing your filing system, you need to leave room for the files to grow. As time goes by, you will undoubtedly receive more papers to add to each folder. Leave space for your files to expand. Otherwise, you will have the difficult task later of moving entire sections or file drawers in order to make room

Organize Office Files & Folders.

 Organize Office Files & Folders.The way you organize your office can have a direct effect on how efficiently you run your office. In particular, office files and folders can become a disorganized mess if you don’t establish a uniform filing system. Once you get your file cabinet, folders and labels, you have a couple of options for organizing your files and folders in a practical manner so that you and your employees can access materials quickly.Basic Alphabetical Organization1. Organize your office file folders in a basic alphabetical system if you have a large group of customers or contacts that you need to maintain. Use standard manila or colored folders to represent each contact.2. Write each contact's last name, a comma, then the first name on a label and place it on the lip of each folder containing his information.3. Sort all of your folders by last name and first name if you have two files with the same last name. Insert the alphabetized folders into each draw of your file cabinet from top to bottom.4. Label the outside of each draw by the first letter of the last names contained in that drawer for easy reference. For instance, "A to F," "G to L," "M to R, "S to Z."Category Organization1. Purchase a series of large hanging file folders in addition to standard manila or color file folders if you have a variety of different categories of files to organize. For instance, you would use this file organization system you might have a group of employee files, some customer files, invoices for individual suppliers, and signed contracts to organize.2. Write the name of each category you're organizing on each label included with your large hanging file folder. For instance, "Invoices" or "Contracts." If you need more space, you can set aside more than one hanging file folder for each category. Slide the label into the plastic tab and insert the tab into the top of each hanging file folder.3. Order each manila file folder for each category alphabetically by the last name or company name. When done, you'll have separate piles in alphabetical order.4. Place the large hanging file folders in your drawers first—order them by priority. For instance, if you need to pull invoices frequently, put those at the front of each drawer. You can also order the hanging file folder categories alphabetically as well.5. Insert each pile of manila folders into the correct hanging folder.TipsOrganize your urgent files and folders on a wire organizer on your desktop.Purchase a portable file organizer to carry files along with you to meetings and when traveling

8 Tips to Organize Your Office (and Yourself) for Better Productivity

8 Tips to Organize Your Office (and Yourself) for Better ProductivityDo you spend more time looking for documents, supplies, emails or your mobile phone charger than you do working? If so, you're losing valuable productivity. However, the good news is getting back on track requires only a little planning, commitment and consistency.These eight office organization tips culled from the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) and Simplify Me Now can help you transform your workspace from stressful to serene, and help boost your productivity by making it easy to find files, documents, supplies, and keep up with ongoing projects and deadlines.1. Purge Your WorkspaceLet's face it. If you're reading this, you're probably struggling to control the chaos that is your workspace. Where to begin?According to NAPO, the first step is to get rid of the unnecessary stuff taking up your valuable office space. Go through those stacks of papers and get rid of duplicates. Clean out your desk drawers and filing cabinets and throw out (or recycle) anything you haven't used in six months.When you're left with only necessary items and have removed excess clutter, you can more easily organize what's left.2. Rearrange Your OfficeNext, evaluate the furniture layout in your newly purged space based on how you work. If you have to get up every time you need to throw something away or replace a file, your desktop and your floor can easily become your trash can/file storage, NAPO says. Arrange furniture, files, and trash receptacles so that they're easy and quick to access.3. Organize Your DesktopKeep only supplies and gadgets you need on a daily basis on your desktop, and keep them within easy reach. In today's digital world, you probably don't need to keep an overflowing cup of pens and pencils or bottles of white-out, according to NAPO, but your computer, phone, a few pens, a notepad and a stapler should be within arm's reach.Patty Kreamer, a certified organizer coach, certified professional organizer, author, speaker and president of Kreamer Connect, says to think of it like your circles of friends.The items you use most should be within reach your friends. The items you use less often (monthly or periodically) should be near, but you should have to get up to access them -- your acquaintances. The items you rarely or never use, but that you must keep, should be out of your office altogether -- strangers," she says.Simplify Me Now suggests creating a paper workflow system for any incoming documents. An inbox is for items that haven't yet been reviewed, an in-process box is for items you're working on, and your filing system (see the next tip) or trash receptacles will take care of items as you finish them.Be careful not to look at documents and then place them back on your desk. Make a decision for action, and then follow through. Of course, when this isn't immediately possible, Kreamer says, "think through to the next step and put the document there. It's not where you put it but where you will look for it," she says.4. Develop a Filing SystemThere's no right or wrong when it comes to developing a filing system, as long as it matches the way you work and can be easily maintained, says Kreamer. Depending on your personal preference, you can file alphabetically, by project, by client, or some other method that works for you.NAPO suggests using the same method for electronic document filing as you do for paper. Regularly sort, file and purge electronic and hard copy documents to keep clutter from piling up.A master list (index) of file names can help avoid creating duplicates when you're adding new files and to help maintain organization for new files, clients, and projects. And it's a great tool for others to use in your absence, Kreamer says. No more 'where's that file?' phone calls to interrupt your vacation.Keep the most recent documents at the front of the file for ready access, and make sure to check your company's records-retention policy to ensure you're not throwing out vital records. Archive older records in bank boxes, or invest in a digital scanner to store documents electronically.5. Time ManagementWhether you're still using a notebook and pen, PC software or an app on your smartphone, keeping a running to-do list can make sure that you're on schedule and that appointments and deadlines don't fall through the cracks, says NAPO.Clear at least an hour each work day to focus on projects and action items, and NAPO suggests allocating twice as long to each task as you initially estimate to account for interruptions and follow-up. Kreamer suggests tracking your time for a week to get a better sense of how long certain tasks take before you begin scheduling this way."And, if you're using a smartphone or electronic tool, make sure that it syncs," Kreamer says. "There is nothing more useless than a Droid or iPhone that doesn't 'talk to' your computer calendar. The technology is so simple yet so many ignore it," she says.Breaking up large projects into smaller steps and scheduling time in the day to work through each can make short work of large assignments. But you have to schedule, she says."Surprisingly, the most neglected tool in time management is the calendar. I've spoken to hundreds of audiences and worked with countless clients in their office space and planning is not a major part of their day. The majority of people who do plan, plan only for meetings and appointments. They do not schedule time for the work to be done in between. They create a to-do list on paper or in their head and never plan to do it. Thus, the to-do list becomes an avoidance list," Kreamer says.6. Communicate on a ScheduleSchedule time on your to-do list each day to deal with emails and return phone calls. NAPO suggests doing this once in the morning and once each afternoon for greater efficiency."Set a timer for 10 or 15 minute increments and do little sprints to get things done. We all know that the most effective time is 15 minutes before you have to walk out the door for a meeting or appointment," Kreamer says. "That's called a deadline -- a bunch of 10-15 minute deadlines back-to-back can yield amazing results."Write an agenda for each phone call so you don't forget important points, and, if you have to leave a message, outline exactly the response you need so others can get you exactly the information or action you need to complete your task.7. Organize DigitallyBeing electronically organized is just as important as being physically organized, says NAPO. Create different folders and subfolders in your email inbox for each client and project, so when new emails arrive, you can quickly act on and file communications. That way, when a new email comes in you can act on it, then file it in its appropriate e-folder."If you have a backlog of emails in your inbox, create folders for each year, and drag all emails from each year to their respective folder. Going forward, don't allow things to stay in your Inbox unless they require action," Kreamer says. "Either Delete it, forward it or file it. An email inbox should only house emails that require action. It's not a storage unit."Digital document storage should be set up to mirror your physical filing system, with folders and subfolders to store records and documents. For archived materials, a cloud-based storage provider can be a great way to store completed projects or files you don't need every day.Finally, Kreamer says, minimize distractions. "Turn off all email notifications: the sound, envelope icon in the notification area, the mouse cursor change, and especially the 'New Email' Desktop Alert that fades in and out," she says. "Since you've set up specific times to check and respond to email, you won't need them. You won't believe how much time you'll save!" she says.8. Ritualize Your Work DayOrganization isn't a one-and-done proposition; you must keep up with the influx of documents, files, projects and communications. When you're done working for the day, devote about 15 minutes to update your to-do list, file completed projects and replace in-progress items in their proper place. That makes for a clean, fresh, organized start when you arrive at work the next morning.

About thermal Binding Covers

About thermal Binding CoversThermal soft covers are used for perfect binding, a popular binding style that uses heat-activated adhesives to create an attractive, uncluttered bind. Perfect binding is commonly used on both soft cover and hardcover books, as well as magazines, because it allows for easy stacking and storage (unlike other binding styles which tend to have a bulkier finish). Since the documents are secured with glue, no punching is required to achieve a secure bind.Like traditional binding covers, thermal soft covers are made from paper or clear plastic (or a combination thereof) and are available in a variety of finishes. Instead of having separate front and back covers, thermal soft covers come as a pre-scored, solid piece (similar to a file folder) that has a strip of thermally-activated adhesive down the center. To create a bind, simply place your document within the cover and insert the cover into your thermal binding machine (following the manufacturer’s instructions). Because the covers are made as single pieces, they are available in different spine sizes that are specifically designed to accommodate the thickness of your report. They are offered with spines as small as 1/16" (capable of holding 1-10 pages of standard 20 lb. paper) and 1-3/4" (capable of holding 280-350 pages of standard 20 lb. paper).

Four Ways to Get Organized with Binding

Four Ways to Get Organized with BindingIf getting organized is one of your resolutions this year, then you'll love these four organizational ideas that utilize your binding machine.1.Custom Day Planner - Using your favorite word processing or page layout program, create a blank template that is tailored to your specific needs. Unlike mass-produced planners, these custom pages give you the ability to add sections that are specific to your business or activities. Once the template is completed, print out as many double-sided copies as desired and bind them together to create the ultimate custom planner.2.Training Materials - Every organization has a set of training materials that have been created over the years. Make it easy for your employees or coworkers to stay on top of company procedures by binding your own training manuals. Simply gather the most frequently referred to documents, such as price lists, product brochures, and company policies, and use your binding machine to create easy-to-use guidebooks for everyone in your office.3.Calendars - Did you know that you can use your wire binding machine to bind your own calendars? Using free, downloadable calendar software or your favorite graphics program, create the pages for your calendar, add a notch to the center on the binding edge with a half-moon punch, then bind them together with twin-loop wire (inserting a wire calendar hanger before closing the wire). This is especially useful for organizations that need unusual calendar layouts (such as Monday through Sunday or work week-only).4.Log Books - Have you found yourself having difficulty keeping track of company-specific expenses or appointments in past years? Try creating your own custom log books to help you stay on top of your own information or that of your employees. Use your favorite word processing or page layout program to design a blank template for tracking expenses, listing client information, appointment notes, or whatever other information you may need to log, then turn it into a booklet with your binding machine.